Synthetic wavy wig with a heat - friendly formulaCharlotte Wig by TressAllure | Synthetic Hair | Average Cap

Color Cocoa Bean | Dark Brown Deep Forest | Dark Brown Blend Honey Bean | Medium Brown with Strawberry Highlights Walnut Brown | Brown Blended with Medium Red Brown English Tea Highlight | Dark Brown with Bright Red and Strawberry Highlights Midnight Coffee | Midnight coffee-darkest brown Frosty Blonde Highlight | Honey Blonde Gold Blonde and Platinum Blonde Highlights Mocha Gold | Medium Brown Blended and Tipped with Medium Gold Blonde Satin Gold | Medium gold blonde and light gold blonde 50/50 Misty Sunrise | Gold Blonde Light Blonde Blend with Medium Auburn Highlights Princess Ivory | Light Creamy Blonde with Platinum Blonde Highlights Velvet Cream | Medium Blonde Light Blonde Highlights Cherrywood Highlight | Dark Brown Medium Bright Red Highlights Sheer Plum | Dark brown and bright auburn.50/50 Deep Sepia | Medium Auburn Medium Brown Blend Dark Amber Highlight | Medium Red Brown Light Red Brown Blend with Dark Silky Sand | Pale Blonde with Dark Brown Roots Silver Shadow | 50/50 Blend Dark and Light Grey Dark Smoke Grey | Light Charcoal With Blue Tint Mimosa HL | Light Red Brown with Dark Brown Roots and Pale Blonde Highlights

The Charlotte Wig by TressAllure is designed with a basic cap is a super cute curly bob with a tousled finish. Perfect for all seasons! 

SKU: V1313
Product: Wig
Hair Type: Synthetic
Cap Size: Average
Cap Construction:  Basic
Color Shown: Cola Swirl | Frosty Blonde HL | Chiffon Candy
Length: Fringe: 6.5"  | Nape: 3"  |  Crown: 6.5" 
Weight:  2.5 oz